Friday, September 18, 2009

On Participation and Preparation for FPC/FPU alums

Remember that class where it seemed no one had done the reading and the professor did everything but lit her hair on fire to get the discussion going?  What are your thoughts on preparation and participation for classes?  any adivce to offer?  tips to give? anecdotes to recount?

Sarty Snopes in "Barn Burning"

The main character in William Faulkner's short story "Barn Burning," is 10-year-old Sarty Snopes.  As Sarty observes his father's behavior, young Sarty must make a life-defining decision.  What is the choice that Sarty must make and what makes this decision so diffcult?  Reread the final paragraphs of the story and discuss how Sarty has changed; what does Sarty understand differently after making his coming-of-age decision?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

King of the Mild Frontier -- coming of age

How does the chapter from King of the Mild Frontier present a coming of age moment?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coming of Age - your initial thoughts

What does the phrase "coming of age" mean to you?