Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coming of Age - your initial thoughts

What does the phrase "coming of age" mean to you?


  1. Hi there,

    My name is Deanna (Deedee) Clohessy, and I am an alumna of the class of '93 (when it was still FPC). When I think of the phrase "coming of age," I hearken back to a time in my life when I was truly on my own for the first time. I don't mean "on my own" as in moving out of the house or going off to college. I did those things when I was 18, and while it certainly contributed to my coming of age in the grand scheme, I don't think I reached my "tipping point" until I was 25.

    Until that point I had always lived with other people and shared everything with others. In college I had roommates. Post-college I had a live-in boyfriend. I felt like my whole existence revolved around making sure others were comfortable and accommodated, and I often put my own needs and comfort aside to keep peace.

    Nevertheless, at 24 I believed I had my whole life figured out. My boyfriend and I had moved to a new city to start our exciting life after college, I'd gotten a decent job, and things just seemed to be falling into place...until the relationship disintegrated.

    Before I knew what was happening, I had moved out, found my own apartment, and started a new life on my own, living alone in a relatively new city with no real friends (all my friends had been people I'd met through him). I won't say it was easy; in fact it was probably the most emotionally, physically, and mentally draining time in my life. (And here is where I get to the point, honest)! It was also the most enriching, empowering, and educational experience I've ever had. Over the following year, I spent most of that time "finding myself," and figuring out what made me tick. I emerged on the other side having learned more about myself in 12 months than I had in the 25 years preceding. The amazing part was that I never actually set out to find myself; is just happened in trying to survive and regain my foothold during that time.

    I've reinvented myself a number of times over the years since then, but I believe so much of who I am and what I'm about can be traced back to that time in my life when I was thrust into a situation of upheaval. I don't think everyone needs to be thrown into a pit of lions to grow up and figure out who they are, but for me it was that experience that truly brought "me" to light and showed me what I really was made of.

  2. Jordan Lemay9/4/09, 10:15 AM

    To me coming of age mean that you are finding yourself and coming to your own, you are finding yourself and maturing into the person you are going to be and who you want to be. I think that it means you are realizing what is right from wrong and what is acceptable for you and what is not.

  3. Kim Cordeiro9/4/09, 10:16 AM

    The phrase "coming of age" means to me that throughout each day we are growing older. I feel that the "coming of age" means that as we get older we become more mature and change through time. Before we know it the time flies by as we transition through school and a career as an adult. I think that the "coming of age" never really stops til we have hit our end beacuse as we grow we gain more and more knowledge.

  4. Nora Sweeney9/4/09, 10:17 AM

    The phrase coming of age means growing up.It's when you realize that you are the only person who can make you happy. You need to act you're age, and do what you need to do in order to succeed. Moving into college and living on my own has been important to me because I have always lived with my parents and older brother, and was always the youngest. Now I feel like being able to do what I want, and making important decisions is making me grow up and mature.

  5. I believe that the phrase "coming of age" means that a certain person is acting their age. When a person acts like a 5 year old when they are 18 then they are not acting their age. But when you act your age then people will most likely have more respect for you and you will have a better chance of getting a job if you act mature and responsible. If you do not act your age as you get older than it is going to be difficult to do certain things during and after college.

  6. Taylor DePaoli9/4/09, 10:18 AM

    The phrase "coming of age" is a commonly used phrase for growing up. Yet just what does growing up mean? To me, growing up means that you are no longer a child. You have put away your childish things, and are ready to face the world as an adult. Jesus once said: "When I was a child, I acted as a child. Yet when I was a man, I put my childish things away". "Coming of Age", doesn't happen at any specific age, or any specific time, everyone is different, meaning every one learns at different paces. Learning at differet paces means every person will be able to think and reason like an adult at different times, and different ages.

  7. Heather and I am a freshman at Franklin Pierce this year. Coming of age means a lot of things to me, but the first thing that pops up in my mind is finding myself. I think finding yourself is extremely important quality you need to have in life. Being on your own for the first time is nerve racking and freshman year is only the beginning.

  8. Amanda Tousignant9/4/09, 10:19 AM

    The phrase "coming of age" to me means coming into yourself. Understanding when to be serious and when to joke around. Coming of age means to know how to handle yourself in any given situation. It also means to be ready for more mentally challanging events. You need to be ready to live your life on your own, not completely without guidance, but for the most part on your own.

  9. Madeline Morrissey9/4/09, 10:20 AM

    The phrase coming of age means to me, bascially growing more mature both physically and mentally. You're going to start embarking on a whole new journey and you need to have a more stable mindset on your goals and future challenges. It's when you start to think about your future and you realize that you can't be joking around all the time with your friends. You need to know when to be serious in certain situations.

  10. In my opinion, coming of age is about growing up and maturing as an individual. I beleive that college will help me do that because I will learn to become more independent. There is nobody to tell me to go to class or do my homework anymore. It is up to me to take care of all of my responsibilities. That is what i beleive defines coming of age. It is the time in life where you have to rely on yourself and enter adulthood.

  11. Gabriel Vega9/4/09, 10:20 AM

    "Coming of Age" to me represents extraordinary change as I age for the future. I feel almost anxious as I read the phrase knowing one day I will come of age and be a compleely new person. Coming of age is in my opinion when you devlope certain skills and overcome certain milestones over the years.

    I feel you don't have to be older to "Come of Age". Kids for example, reach their teenage years have come of age, but to only one of many stages. Every day to every year, you change. People change and grow for so long they have come of age, wise, experienced. "Coming Of Age" simply shows you a glimpse of your future to come, for you cannot esacape that era of or life.

  12. My name is Adam, and I am currently a freshman at FPU. The phrase "coming of age" to me means finding out who you really are, and determining the person you will be. For me this happened the end of the school year last year. I attended a prep school that I absolutely hated, but stuck it out so I could get into college. No matter how bad the school year may have been, or how bad my attitude about it was, or how immature I was about the situation, I accomplished my goal. Without that year of prep I wouldn't have gotten into college. I look back at it and realize how happy I am that I did it.

  13. Ryan Creighton9/4/09, 10:23 AM

    Growing up is what coming of age means to me.

  14. Meghan Bentley9/4/09, 10:24 AM

    My name is Meghan and i am a freshman this year at franklin pierce university. As the phrase "coming of age" is brought up the first thought that comes to my mind is the process in which people grow up and really become who they are. I feel as though people have many life changing experiences where they have to react in a positive way to help themselves through that situation. Certain experiences that a person has to go through since the are young only make them a stronger person who is ready for more obstacles that they have yet to face.

  15. the phrase the coming of age means exactly what it says. Like no matter how old you get it doesn't mean you're as mature as you should be or whatever. Like the coming of age is like coming to your adult hood i guess.

  16. Asa Barth-Maron9/4/09, 10:26 AM

    Coming of age to me means a various array of things. It means being self sufficient, independent and sucessful. Someone who is an "Adult" is someone who has mastered these traits.
    To me the process of coming of age is a period of turmoil and darkness that begins to end when you enter college. It is a period of conflicting values and ambitions, and morals. There is a flagship point though at which all this confusion starts to fall into place. You are by no means an adult at this point. You have reached a point at which you can make sense of everything that has happened thus far in your childhood, you start to become able to look back at your childhood, and make sense of your present. At this point you start to become an adult, and this i believe, is the last step to becoming an adult.

  17. Tiffany Burrington9/4/09, 10:28 AM

    When I think of the phrase "Coming of Age", I think about how people and society have changed. To me its alot like growing up, when I was younger I looked to my family for comfort. I relied on everyone else to be there for me. As I grew up I was less reliant on others and had to become more self sufficient. I feel that we are faced with these examples everyday. We change to what is happening around us and in our surroundings. For example computers are very coming of age, in my grandparents days computers were less heard of, now its almost impossible to be connected completely in this world with out them.

  18. Coming of age is another way of saying that one becomes independent. A person who always depends on other people in order to support their means of living may never come of age, no matter how old they are. On the contrary, some people come of age at an extrordinarily young age.
    I am far from the point where I can say that I have come of age, but I am well on my way. I never was one to make any excuses for myself and I think that is a big part of coming of age. At some point, we all realize that we must be held accountable when we succeed and when we fail.
