Thursday, October 15, 2009

Learning and Education

One of the most important parts of Homer Hickam's story in Rocket Boys focuses on learning --  Homer learns so much about himself, his family and about rocketry -- at one point, Miss Riley tells him "All I've done is give you a book" indicating that there is some portion of education that is Homer's responsibility -- that she's not there to fill him up with education.  In what ways are you responsible for your own learning and education?  How are you facing up to and taking on that responsibility? 
Where do you see room for improvement?


  1. Looking at education in our own responsibilities, now that we are in college we do not have anyone making sure that our work is done or that we are studying for our test. Yes we have books and teachers to tell us how things should be done and show us how the final product should look; however, we are the ones who are responsible for getting it done and studying for the tests. Facing this daily we all do our homework and study for the exams. There is a self drive for achievement that is in all of us that is driving us to not let ourselves fall flat. For me, there are things that I could do to improve, things such as studying earlier, maybe trying group study sessions, different study tactics... There is room for improvement in all of us it is just up to us to realize it.

  2. Now that we're in college, everyone is responsible for their own education. It is our job to get our work done on time. During my high school years, I always had my parents constantly remind me to get my homework done. Being in college means that I have to be more responsible and manage my time wisely. This is how I am responsible for my own education. It is up to me to get my assignments done on time. I see plenty of room for improvement if I stop procrastinating on my work and get it done earlier.

  3. Ashley Lamagdeleine10/16/09, 10:14 AM

    At this point in time we're not forced to go to school. We don't sleep through our alarms and have our parents to wake us up or forcing us to go to school. So now that we're in college we have to make our own decisions and be responsible. We get out of our education what we put into it. It's our responsibility to go to class, do our homework, do what we have to do and be where we have to be when we have to be there. We're old enough now to be able to take care of ourselves and be responsible. Personally, I need to stop procrastinating and do my work when it needs to be done. Not an hour before it's due, and I need to study more, and better. Everyone has something to improve on, whether they say they do or not.

  4. We are responsible for our own education because if we dont put in the time and effort to learn, or atleast want to learn we will fail. It is up to us to want to learn and to be willing to learn. To take on the responsibility of learning we have to do our homework, study for exams and take notes. The teachers tell us how and what to learn, and we follow the directions. To be willing to learn you have to be open minded and ready. Improvement comes in all shapes and sizes, everyone has room to improve. Even if someone is a straight A student, they can improve too. For me, I need to improve on studying a lot earlier in the week than I do, and participate more. Learning is a gift that some people don't get to have, we are lucky.

  5. Education is a very important thing, especially now that we are in college. Being in college we are in charge of our own education more then we have ever been before. All thoughout high school teachers would make sure you were doing your homework and participating in class, and now everything is up to you. You decide what you do and do not want to do. It is difficult to make the transition from high school to college but slowly I am getting used to it. There is much room for improovement doing my work on time and doing it to the best of my ability.

  6. Since I started school, my parents were always after me to do my work until high school. Once I started high school they left me on my own to get my work. Where I went to school the teachers weren't there to force us to do the work. It was our choice whether we wanted to pass or not and they would provide encouragement only if we tried. Now that I am in college there is no one to watch whether I go to class or do my work. I am now fully responsible for my education and how I do is up to the effort that I put in. I am taking on that repsonsiblity and continue to go to class. I do my work and study for my tests. I know that I need to pay attention and succeed since it cost a lot of money to go to college and these days you usually can't get far without a degree. I think that I could improve by having better time management and study habits. However, I think that I am on the right track and there is always room for things to be improved.

  7. Madeline Morrissey10/16/09, 10:20 AM

    Growing up, you usually had a parent telling you when to start your homework or when to study, but now that we have reached a certain age, the subject of education really comes down to you alone and it's your responsibility to get everything done. You should want to get good grades and have your homework completed. When it comes down to my study habits, there is definitely room for improvement, like starting my homework earlier, studying sooner and getting more sleep at night. Sometimes people don't realize that they need to improve, but realizing that you do is all apart of the responsibility.

  8. It's one thing being in high school and still living at home where your parents can keep an eye on you, making sure you're doing your homework. However, being in college now, not having your parents there every step of the way, puts the responsibility on your shoulders to get the work done. If the work isn't done, you're the only one who is to blame. I think an area to improve on is the quality of the homework. Of course it gets done, but how much effort put in, is a different story. I should try things like doing homework earlier and not last minute, and I'm sure it would help.

  9. Amanda Tousignant10/16/09, 10:20 AM

    At this point in my education I feel that a major part of it is my responsibility. Our professors are not going to chase us for our work. We may be told what to read but, teachers aren't following us every step of the way to make sure that the reading gets done. We might just have a quiz when all the reading is suppose to be done. I feel that I should take my education into my own hands. Instead of waiting for a teacher to remind the class of whats on the syllabus, I check it and make sure my work gets done on time. I also make sure I give myself plenty of time to write my essays or to simply get the reading done for a particular course. Of course there is always room for improvement. We can all read more. I know that sometimes it is very tempting to just skim over an assigned reading or read a summary, but just take the time and make the effort to get things done. Also take it one step further not just to get things done, but to get them done to the best of our abilities.

  10. Taylor DePaoli10/16/09, 10:23 AM

    Education I believe is fully our responsibility as students in not only college, but any type of schooling in general. Let me explain. While it is true that we as students have teachers, books tutors and all kinds of other resources available to us to aid us in our learning process, in the end, it is up to us t actully go and make use of them. What Miss Riley told Homer in one part of the book is totally one hundred percent true, "I have only given you a book, it is up to you to have the courage to read it." I feel as college students, this quote applies to us more and more everyday. We are all trying to ajust to being away from home, and for some of us, this can be a rather hard adjustment. We have to get used to not having mom and dad around to wake us up for class, or to make sure we do our homework, or that our essays get finished. What our parents have been helping us with for the past thirteen or so years, is now fully on our shoulders. As far as improvement is conserned, everyone can be improved apon, it jsut depends on what your view of improvement is. If you feel you are doing well and there is no need to improve, well then you won't improve. You will not take advantage of the many resources available to you in order to help you improve. However, if you realize that your methods are not working, or you are not happy with the results you are getting, depending on your sef determination and drive, you will take full advantage of all the resources available to you, and indeed, you will, if you truly work at it, improve.

  11. Now that we're in college, you're responsible for everthing that you do and say. You're responsibilities are that you have to take care of yourself and do things for yourself. You have to get your own work done at a certain time, and if you don't, then you have to face the consequences. The responsibilities that you have in college are for your own good, and if you don't have any, then your not going to acheive anything. I feel like I am doing a decent job facing these responsibilities. It is a big adjustment for me and took me a long time to adjust to this new life. All in all I think that im doing a decent job at it for now. Where i have to improve, is the whole getting to class thing. I have trouble getting up and i have to try to adjust to that.

  12. Now that I am in college trying to understand the differences between high school and college. Know that the teachers here are going to teat me like an adult not a child that I am responsible for me. Mostly the fact of learning something new and that no one is going to tell when to do your homework that you just have to get it done. If there is anything I need to improve it is my time management. But there is always room for greater improvement.

  13. Asa Barth-Maron10/16/09, 10:30 AM

    Education is the responsibility of the individual. We can only hope to achieve anything if it is attempted by ourselves. Outside influences, as strong as they may be, do nothing to progress or deter educational betterment. A good teacher may help you, as an individual, to bring yourself to achieve more. A bad teacher may uninspired you, and throw adversity in your face. Though when it really comes down to it, all that matters is how much you want something and how hard you are willing to work for it. In my own experience this challenge is medical school. I am solely responsible to getting into not only a medical school, but a good one. My future is in my hands. If I want to become accomplished in my field I will need proper connections and doors to be opened. In order to do that I need to attend a prominent medical school and do well. This translates to working hard right now. I need to achieve impeccable grades because, in my eyes, it is not worth the extraneous effort if I do not get the most for my hard work.
    Right now I am struggling with the transition into college. I am finding the proper level of stress, study habits and patterns. It is very difficult for me to adjust; I was never a good student in high school. I am having to buckle down to develop good study habits while managing the work load. In order to achieve my goals I need to understand what it is that I am not succeeding at. Each of our educations are in our hands, it is up to us what we want to do with it.

  14. Now that im in college, I have to take responsibility. My mother isn’t around to tell me to do my work or to go to class. This is something I have to do on my own, which is a part of decision making. There’s plenty of room for improvement. It’s all up to me if I want to make my self a better student.

  15. Tiffany Burrington10/16/09, 10:31 AM

    The responsibilities that I have towards my education and learning are that I have always had my mom there always pushing me to get my homework done and work hard but in college I dont have her here with me. Its my responsibility to my learning to get my homework done and to put my full potential in my work. It's also brings on the responsibility to research the little harder points that I dont understand online if I need help and to never just stop working on my homework if I dont understand somthing. I feel that there is always room for improvement in everything and everyone. Some of the things I feel I could improve on are taking better notes, attending study sessions, and study a little bit more during the week before a big test rather than the night before.

  16. Every college student has to take responsibility for their actions. If you dont take any responsibility for your actions then it will cost you in the future. There is no more parents looking over your shoulder telling you to do your homework, go to class, and go to bed early. Everything is on you. I am going to try to take advantage of going to college and show everyone that I can be responsible and that I can do well on my own.

  17. The transition into college has been very easy for me. Since declaring my major, I have found myself doing work in school that will directly affect the rest of my life. I believe that is the biggest difference between college and high school. In high school I took a lot of classes that I simply did not care about, but in college I take mostly classes that I enjoy. It is much easier to motivate myself to do my school work because I know that I am working towards my goal. Before college, I used to feel as though I was wasting my own time.
    Nowadays, I am excited to about getting ahead in my learning because everything that I learn in class will benefit me. I no longer find myself doing work that will not help me pursue the field of my choice and that makes a huge difference in my outlook on school.

  18. Now that i am in college i take full responsibility for my learning and education. I am the only one that can now help myself be able to learn and succeed in school. Through out the years i mainly relyed on teachers, the administration and my family to help be in school. But now since i am in college and it is a huge difference/ transition i know that i need to complete every assignment, pay attention in class, be ontime and study. I am fully responsible for my action in school and leaning. When i get an assignment for a particular class i need to be the one that motivates myself to get it done and in ontime. I am my own teacher and compitition in a way. However, i know that there is always room for improvament. Every day i try to improve my bad habits as a student. I evalute my faults so that i know what i can do better my learning. I need to make sure that i attend class on time every day and manage my time better with getting assignments done.
