Friday, November 20, 2009

responding to the rest of Part I of Rubyfruit Jungle

You've completed your reading of Part I of Rubyfruit Jungle;  how have your initial impressions of Molly been reinforced?  changed?  how have your initial impressions of her life situation been reinforced?  changed?  How would you describe Molly to your friends?

First Impressions of Molly Bolt and her life

You have just heard/read the first chapter of Rubyfruit Jungle; what are your immediate impressions of Molly Bolt, the narrator and main character in thenovel?  What are your immediate impressions of her life?

to read the opening chapter, click here

Friday, November 6, 2009

Population 485 - reflections on "Place"

In Population 485, Michael Perry explains how he's been shaped by the place in which he lives; in this book, it's New Auburn, Wisconsin.  How has the place you've lived (or places) shaped who you are as a person?  Influenced your likes and dislikes?  Your attitudes?  Your identity?  Be sure to name the place you are discussing. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Learning Preference

What did the ILS and VARK instruments tell you about your learning preference/learning style?  In what specific ways will you use this information to "leverage" your success in your current and future classes?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Learning and Education

One of the most important parts of Homer Hickam's story in Rocket Boys focuses on learning --  Homer learns so much about himself, his family and about rocketry -- at one point, Miss Riley tells him "All I've done is give you a book" indicating that there is some portion of education that is Homer's responsibility -- that she's not there to fill him up with education.  In what ways are you responsible for your own learning and education?  How are you facing up to and taking on that responsibility? 
Where do you see room for improvement?

Friday, September 18, 2009

On Participation and Preparation for FPC/FPU alums

Remember that class where it seemed no one had done the reading and the professor did everything but lit her hair on fire to get the discussion going?  What are your thoughts on preparation and participation for classes?  any adivce to offer?  tips to give? anecdotes to recount?

Sarty Snopes in "Barn Burning"

The main character in William Faulkner's short story "Barn Burning," is 10-year-old Sarty Snopes.  As Sarty observes his father's behavior, young Sarty must make a life-defining decision.  What is the choice that Sarty must make and what makes this decision so diffcult?  Reread the final paragraphs of the story and discuss how Sarty has changed; what does Sarty understand differently after making his coming-of-age decision?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

King of the Mild Frontier -- coming of age

How does the chapter from King of the Mild Frontier present a coming of age moment?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coming of Age - your initial thoughts

What does the phrase "coming of age" mean to you?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Meet The Mentors

A number of former FPU students who were in my IC101 classes in past years have agreed to be part of our class blog and chime in from time to time to talk about their experiences at FPU and afterwards and offer their thoughts and advice and even cautionary tales to you new students. This posting will give them a chance to introduce themselves and reminisce a bit about their first fews days at Franklin Pierce.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to our IC101.01 Blog!

Welcome to our IC101.01 Fall 2009 class blog. We'll use this a forum to start and extend our in class discussions for our first-year seminar. I'm looking forward to exploring the course's theme, "Coming of Age in America." Check your FPU email for information about required blog entries, including due dates, lengths, topics, etc. Let's see where our discussions take us!